(Got this off of brianmay.com. Obviously, it's Brian, but it's pre-Queen *barely*. It was taken in 1971.)
And here are some more of Freddie's pics!

I *think* it's Kashmira, Freddie's younger sister.


a pretty flower

Just wanted to say sorry for not updating in a few days, but I was grounded from the computer until I cleaned my room...it was not an easy task, but it was rewarding; withing five minutes, I had found $33.45. YAY! But I'm getting another evil cold...grrr...
Maybe I can sit out of PE tomorrow...SHUT UP, CONFUEVOS! (sorry, inside joke)
Anyways, just cos I'm bored, I wanted to start another feature on this thing that I guess I'll do on Tuesdays, cos Tuesdays are just so dreary...I know today is Thursday. You can shut up now, Confuevos.
REASON #1 WHY I LISTEN TO OLD MUSIC: QueenFavorite member: I love them all! But I guess Freddie, 'cos we're a lot alike. We're both virgo, our favorite colour is yellow, we both love the Beatles, our favorite movie is
Some Like It Hot...Favorite Album: They're all wonderful! But I really do love
A Night at the Opera runs a close second.
Top Five Favorite Songs: Innuendo, I'm Going Slightly Mad, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, My Melancholy Blues, Bohemian Rhapsody. Whew, that was tough!
What I Was Doing When I Fell In Love With Them: I was 7 years old, and I was riding in the car with my best friend, my best friend's dad, and our neighbour.
Another One Bites The Dust came on the radio, and my friend's dad was singing to it very badly, and was zooming way too fast over these speed bumps...but I fell in love with the song! I listened for that song on the radio for abput five years after that; I didn't remember the title of the song, but that bass line stuck out in my head like a sour thumb. Eventually, I found out it was by this old, British rock band called Queen, and soon after that, I heard
Bohemian Rhapsody and
Fat Bottomed Girls for the first time, and the rest is history!
First CD I Ever Got: Queen Greatest Hits, the one in the maroon sleeve.
YAY! Oh, and my mother sent me this awesome video...not Queen-ish, but definitely a philosophy we should all live up to!
Well, that's it! Love you all!