La Vegetariana Loca

Here are some random ramblings of a girl that will probably end up in an insane asylum sometime in her near future...Kookookachoo. She loves her Queen, she loves her Beatles and her Who and her Zeppy and her music in general. She loves her writing. She loves love. And she loves you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Just taking a short break in homework to show you this...

...Because I love you oh, so much. =]

"CONCERT TICKET ALERT - Reports: Robert Plant agrees to join Led Zeppelin for reunion

Rock legends LED ZEPPELIN are set for a reunion tour after singer ROBERT PLANT finally caved in and agreed to join them.

Guitarist JIMMY PAGE, 64, bassist JOHN PAUL JONES, 62, and drummer JASON BONHAM, 42, had resigned themselves to touring without Plant. They even rehearsed with stand-in singers - and one American was so impressive they were confident they could hit the road next year without Plant.

That was what finally persuaded him to return."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Because I ought to have more country on here...

Not because it's my favorite genre ever, but because, well, HELLO! I'm Southern, and it's my God-given duty to illustrate that Southern-ness. XD

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A rumor...

But a happy one!!! This is why I've been saving my money, aside from wanting to go to England, but that one's a given!

'A source said: "Jimmy, Jason and John are determined a tour will go ahead next year. They've been rehearsing frequently in London and the band is really gelling. There's an American guy who has been standing in for Robert regularly and doing a great job. "

'"Obviously they want the original frontman to join them on the road but he still won't commit. "They will be finalising plans for shows over the next couple of months and will tell Robert that if he doesn't want to be involved they will go ahead without him."'



All I have to say is this:





Just one tour? Pretty please?

Love you forever?

Well, I'll do that anyway, but still?


This is going to be epic. With or without him. I mean, Jimmy Page! John Paul Jones! Jason Bonham! JIMMY PAGE!!!

With him, it'll just cause me to die of a seizure caused by an onslaught of idolatrous feelings...

If I could see them...XD Wow.

Hey Danny! Want to go on a date? :P

Sunday, September 21, 2008

XD Ha!

(I used to have a crush on the guy that played Hyde when I was about eight or so.XD)

Bet you can't guess what my favorite show is.

And this is how Grey wastes time.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just tryin' to get some PETA2 Street Team points...

I'm saving up points on PETA2 by doing some activism...

Grey wants the vegan cookbook!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Do me a favor...

No, let me rephrase that. Do yourself a favor.

Don't go to see Burn After Reading.

Don't think about it.

Don't consider it.

Just don't do it.

Most horrible movie ever. A complete waste of money.

Here's a summary:

There's a gym. And a paranoid slimeball. And a woman that wants surgery. They say the "f" word as much as possible. And there's sex. Lots of pointless sex. People get killed. The end.

Don't waste your time. I'm sorry I even wasted my own. It's not even worth it to go to just see Brad Pitt and Clooney.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008






Just watch it.



I love you, too, Danny.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So I've been a bad blog master...

XD What can I say? I had been soaring, but now I've come back down to earth.

Man, that was just about the cheesiest thing I could have possibly said.

So, I want to post three videos of the week. Because I'm pretty sure I missed two, and I want to post this week's before I forget. Again.

Firstly, I want to show The Bravery some love, because they are awesome. And underrated. /emo I still don't have their sophomore album...came SO CLOSE!!! But gave it to my friend Lindsay instead. You have no idea how tempted I was to keep it!
(Sorry...embedding was disabled by Universal Music.)

And then, this...I love this song.XD Lyrics are...interesting. But the bass is really cool.

I've got so much homework from the week I missed...But it's worth it. I'm not complaining. :)

I miss him...XD






I was thinking about dying my hair red. My mom said it would look like clown hair. Lindsay begged me not to.

I still want to.XD

Meh, knowing me, I probably won't.

I don't really know what else to write...I'm not really liking school--what else is new?--my mom just got onto me for not exercising enough, my finger has been numb for two days now, and I'm going stir-crazy again.

Nothing else, really.

Friday, September 05, 2008

I don't know whether I should smile or cry...

I can't eat, even though I'm really hungry...I can't sleep, even though it's about 4:30 in the morning.

And I sound like an illiterate idiot.

I'm not quite sure how to say this...I guess just say it.

Danny's here, for my 16th birthday.


Not currently with me, though...He's across town, hopefully sleeping. XD Something I'm not doing.

I fell asleep around midnight on the couch so I could focus on the TV long enough to get my brain to shut up. It worked...then I woke up wide awake at around 3:30.

I've never been so happy in my life, ever. And I doubt I ever will be again. How could I be? He's finally here with me. I can hold him, tease him, kiss him, ruffle his hair...He's no longer just an image on a screen that I wish I could be with.

Well, it seems I'm wishing right now rather ardently, aren't I?

We're going to the aquarium today, 5 September, Freddie Mercury's birthday...I love how far I've come. Around that time last year, I was just a silly little girl that was falling in love with someone I couldn't have--that I was afraid to tell I loved him. Now, I'm just a silly little girl that's fallen in love with him and that has finally--after nearly a year of waiting!--been able to kiss him and hold him.

I'm not making much sense, am I?

I guess I should try to get more sleep...

Good night.
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