La Vegetariana Loca

Here are some random ramblings of a girl that will probably end up in an insane asylum sometime in her near future...Kookookachoo. She loves her Queen, she loves her Beatles and her Who and her Zeppy and her music in general. She loves her writing. She loves love. And she loves you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Video of the Week!

Thought this was too cool...XD Look closely and see if you can find Brian May and Roger Taylor.

And yes, I know Freddie's birthday is in a week...I've been too busy to put together anything spectacular, but I have an idea for something that will be more important than any tribute I've seen yet...

And I'm going to be 16 in a little more than a week. =]

Friday, August 22, 2008

Video of the Week!

Since Keith Moon's birthday is tomorrow...

(I think I'm allowed to post these...XD Ah, well...Just doing it to spread the Moonie love.)

Love you, Moonie! You're still the best (havin' a bad day) f*ckin' (Keith Moon-type) drummer in the world!!!

You, my friend, make me smile.

Keep on rockin' out in heaven. We're missing you down here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy birthday to this amazing amazing amazing man!!!!!!!!

Happy 60th, Robert! Love you to pieces!

(If someone can tell me where to get this tshirt, PLEASE DO.)
And I wrote a story featuring him. ^_^ Warning: MUSHY ENDING.
Stick with Me
“Robert? Come on! We’re going to be late.”

I swore under my breath, fighting a losing battle with my unruly mass of grizzled curls, tossing them hither and thither, twisting this one around my finger, tugging angrily at that one for not cooperating.

The bathroom mirror housed the image of a man that had come to resemble a weathered trick pony, the one that, in his dancing days, drew swarms of people to whatever menagerie he called home, with children lined up and twining around the building for a look…

The images broke into my mind, one after the other without rest, as waves in the ocean break upon the shore. How waves of people used to break over one another for me, trampling each other underfoot just to better see me, the alleged Golden-Haired God, and to better show their admiration. Some nights, they’d stand still, their bodies not even moved by the breath that ballooned their lungs. Other times, they would scream as idolaters screamed, chant as the heathen did, as if I were communing to their very souls.

Once, nearly forty years ago, they were so driven into madness that they bashed their heads into the edge of the concrete stage, grinning maniacally as the bridges of their noses cracked with a sickening grind that they were too far gone too feel, even when blood blurred their vision.

And I had laughed.

So many girls—tall ones, curvaceous, fair ones, any kind that I dared crook my finger at—came for me, staying out past their bed-times, knowing their mommies would cry and their daddies would pace, just so I could love them. Each and every one of them.

Most of them died before they turned 25, some by jealous boyfriends or drugs or loving too much…

Most died by their own pretty little hands.

In the beginning, I would collapse on a creaky hotel bed in a city that I couldn’t recall the name of through the Jack Daniel’s-induced haze, my flesh quivering with the onslaught of sensation, the swelling tide swallowing me. I would sigh, releasing my pagan-god-of-war excesses in a tired, lazing current. My fingers fiddled with the remaining buttons of my shirt, my blank eyes boring twin holes into the spackled ceiling. Finally, I’d stroke my thumb over my ring finger, feeling the cold, wide band that rested there…

“Robert! Come. On.”

I traced my fingers over the bathroom mirror, resurfacing from my reverie.

Just as the trick pony was destined to be forgotten, so was I. Fewer teenagers came to worship. The girls that hadn’t died were married. My wife left me. My son died.

So much.

Too much.

It crippled me.

Every sin I had ever committed was reflected in the mirror over the brushed-steel sing. Lines criss-crossed every inch of my face. My eyes had sunk in, the sockets becoming more hollow by the day.

“Rob. Ert. I am talking to you.”

I sharply shook my head and turned to inspect the woman who had addressed me.

She cupped her hands behind her articulate back, a crease of dark annoyance marring her otherwise perfect face. She puckered her full, cherubic lips into a pout.
I returned the gesture, pulling together my cracking mouth.

She whined in the back of her throat. “We get it: you’re 60 and still prettier than the rest of us. Now, can you share the wealth?” She gestured to the mirror with one dainty hand. “Some of us need a little help in the looks department.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, yes. Because flab is all the rage right now.” I grabbed hold of my ample gut and gave it a shake.

Alison sighed heavily and placed once hand over my stomach. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed me on the cheek. “You’re fine, Robert. More than fine.”
I laughed silently, shaking my head.

Sternly, she took hold of my chin between her thumb and forefinger. “Look at me.”

And I did. Straight down into her limpid blue eyes. I chewed my lower lip in contemplation. My face, reflected in her eyes, was wiped clean of wrinkles, framed in perfectly wild blonde curls. My mouth, instead of being a thin slash, was crooked, curving now at the ends into a Joker-esque smile. Straight nose, sloping jaw line, perfect teeth…

Alison cleared her throat. “Are you done?”

My arms had wound themselves around her waist, clinging to her as if we were dancing.

I blushed, liking the way the pink tinged my cheeks in her eyes. “S-sorry.”

I pulled away, and she shuffled over to the mirror, gently pushing me away from my spot, and unearthed her eyeliner from a fiber-board drawer beneath the sink, deftly outlining of her eyes.

My face crinkled and cracked into a wide grin.

The pony still had his tricks.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just checking in.

Trying to get in a better mood...I'm tired, sick, and mad at pretty much the whole world. I love being female!

XD Anyway.

I'd better go ahead and get ahead on some long term homework before I have to go to bed early.

I love you all.

And Danny...Well, you know. <3 You're the only thing keeping me sane right now.XD that I'm done with my homework for tonight.

Hm...I should give some music-related news...


Go see them.

I want to. XD

Stop bashing Breaking Dawn. That's an order.


I've got to go to bed. XD This cold is making me looooooopy.

Love you guys!

PS: Jacob? Get your head out of your ass. You'll suffocate eventually.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Watch Eeeet!!!

And I'm pretty sure that today is John Deacon's birthday, so happy birthday to him. ^^ No video for him...Not because I'm mad at him or anything (although I AM still slightly ticked off because of the whole abandoning Queen thing), but because I haven't had the time. Robert Plant's and Keith Moon's birthdays are coming up later in the month, and I probably won't have time to do videos for them, either.


Anyway...I've got to go to homework. Catch you later!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I need advice...

Sorry for not posting much: it's the first week of school, and I already have a good bit of homework. I'm actually taking a break from it right now.

So there's this guy. Not mentioning any names. But he won't leave me alone. And he's starting to get creepy. He called me nearly every day over the summer: we hardly even talked. He emails me constantly and gets ticked off if I don't respond as soon as he'd like. He follows me around school if he sees me. He gets ticked off if I don't tell him where I'm sitting for lunch. And now, he wants to share my locker.

Stupidly, I said sure. I'm going to take it back now, but he said that he was going to try to find me tomorrow morning.

The thing is...He used to be one of my friends. A good friend. Now, he's just scaring me. I want to get away from him. But I don't know how: whenever I try, he always finds me. Like the other day: I sat somewhere with two other friends of mine named Josh and Brandon. This guy FINDS ME and sits next to me anyway, asking me why I didn't tell him where I was sitting. The next day, I came in with Josh. The guy saw us, so I asked Josh to sit between us. He said yes, but after the lunch period was nearly over, the guy moved to sit across from me. The day before that, he grabbed my thigh. I hit him. Not very hard: he's confusing me. I thought he was my friend...

Now, he's just being a creep.

What should I do? I've tried avoiding him: it hasn't worked. I don't have a mean bone in my body: no matter how much I dislike him, I can't be mean to him. Should I just get to the point that I hate him and don't care? I don't know...

I wish he'd just go away.

Oh, and yes: this is the same guy that I yelled at in the middle of Wal-Mart.

He's really pissing me off...But I've never had to handle anything like this before...

Friday, August 01, 2008

I demand that you see the Dark Knight!

I saw it today. The Joker was AMAZING. Definitely my favorite bad guy ever.
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