Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
So, I've been a terrible blog mommy...

But I'll probably be a terrible mommy period. XD Could you imagine me with kids? They would listen to Led Zeppelin in the womb, be dressed in little onesies with the Yellow Submarine on them, raised vegan (Yes, I plan to go all-out crazy with the vegging when I get older)...Interesting children.
Are you beginning to understand why I don't really want kids?
It's not that I don't want them, I guess. It's just...I want a really busy career. I want to write, have to meet deadlines, be really, really busy. But if I had a family, I'd either a: spend too much time on my career, which would be unfair to my family, or b: spend too much time with my family, which would be unfair to my career. I dunno...Maybe I'll change my mind when I get older.
XD Earlier, I got told by a newly-turned 14-year-old that I should have kids. "You have the hips for it!" Then she went on to say, "Oh, they're bundles of joy! They're so sweet! I want at least three! Why don't you want them? You're just going to have a boyfriend and a bunch of cats, aren't you? You should have kids! Wait until your career gets moving..." Blah. Blah. Blah.
My answer to her? "They smell funny."
I have nothing against kids. I like them a lot, actually. But those are other peoples' kids. It's different...Besides, I guess I've seen women get pregnant so often and then they have to give up their career or education or whatever...I'd shoot myself in the foot if I had to do that.
Do I want to get married? Meh. Maybe. But kids? Something major would have to happen for me to change my mind on the stance I have right now. Maybe I'll adopt when I'm 50. Perhaps then I'll have my three children: a Chinese girl, a Russian boy, an African girl. I don't know. XD But it seems kind of selfish to me (and it always has) that there are so many children around the world that don't have parents and go hungry and need a home, and yet people still "try" to have their own kids. I mean, it's not that I don't understand: I've seen the gooey look that moms get in their eyes when they see their newborns. I've been excited over babies, too. But it still seems selfish...Here's a mom, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby, buying clothes and painting a nursery and buying bottles and diapers and toys and absolutely doting over this little creature...I'm not saying that this is wrong. Just...I don't understand why someone would want to have their own baby when, for just one example, there's a starving baby in sub-Saharan Africa in a ramshackle orphanage, infected with the HIV that cut the lives of her parents short, that will never be loved like that little baby that was "tried" for unless she is taken into some merciful someone's home...
I don't know.
Like I said, I don't think that having your own children is wrong. Shall I repeat myself again? I know if anyone reads this, I'm going to be barked at in the comment section. But I'm just stating my opinion.
Why rear more spoiled, rich, Daddy's-little-girl Americans when on the same planet there are starving children that would give anything for the chance to just live in a mediocre home with a family that loves them and have a meal three times a day?
So...Yeah. That's been bugging me for years. And you're the first people to learn about it. Don't you feel special?
Hm...I believe a Video of the Week is in order...
Man, I love that song.
Anyways, I guess I'll go ahead and go. Love you all. ^_^
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Video of the Week
So...I don't have much to say right now, but I do have this video.
Yes, I do like Chris Crocker. And I don't really agree with the way he words things, but I thought the message of this video was pretty right-on.
Yes, I do like Chris Crocker. And I don't really agree with the way he words things, but I thought the message of this video was pretty right-on.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
I've reached the breaking point, broken, and brought back a souvenir t-shirt

First off, that is a picture of Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. I got their new album, Raising Sand, recently. It's fantastic. Very mellow. ^_^
And the video of the week, before I get too side tracked...
Now watch it again.
Anyway...I have been really really really really (hm...there ought to be some commas in there...) busy this week. Yesterday, I was so dead that I couldn't get much homework done...I was kind of stressed about tests and things, but now? I just don't care. I've finally reached that point where your give-a-damn is broken, where you can't draw a single fiber of that elusive thing called "care..." Care, to care, caring...What's that again?
I want to crawl up in my room and write. Nothing else. Just write.
I failed a math quiz today. It was over logistics and logistical regression. Go on, gag. I did, too. I studied for it a bit, and I thought I knew the material. Apparently not. When it got to actually working the problems, I couldn't get anything to make sense. So I started making up my own math. HA! TAKE THAT, AL-KHWARIZMI!!!
Seriously, that's the guy that invented algebra.
If he weren't already dead, I'd kill him.
Tomorrow, my high school's chorus is going to LGPE (Large Group Performance Evaluation). It's basically like standardized testing for choruses...Wish us luck! I think we'll do all right on the performing bit (We're doing two songs, Vere Languores Nostros as well as Niska Banja.), but we're kind of iffy on sight reading...
On Tuesday, I went to the county competition for academic team. We got 2nd place: both games that we lost were in the same room, which hand two Beatles posters.
Then, I came to a conclusion: it was my fault that we lost those games.
Explanation? Simple. I ticked off the Beatles. How did I do that? Well, I love the Beatles. But lately, I've been cheating on them a bit, neglecting them for Led Zeppelin, the Who, and several other bands. On the day of the competition, I even got this nagging feeling in the back of my brain to listen to Abbey Road. Did I? No: I decided it would be more prudent not to.
Wrong choice.
When I got back in the car and started back home, Imagine by John Lennon came on. I swear, he was mocking me.
But then, I made amends! I listened to the Beatles, sang some of their songs very loudly at lunch, talked about them...Yep. I got Beatled up. The day after the competition, I ate a fortune cookie. The fortune on the inside read:
So it's all good now. ^_^
I think...
I love you, John!
XD I ought to go now. Homework and all that jazz.
Bye. Love ya!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Birthdays! Birthdays!
Today is Roger Daltrey's 64th birthday. Happy birthday, Rog! We love you. ^_^ Hm...It's a tad disrespectful for me to call him "Rog," isn't it?
Happy birthday, Mr. Daltrey!
There, that's better.
Oh, and the twenty-fifth of February was George Harrison's birthday. I didn't realize it was until the day after...and I hadn't really had time to post...So, happy birthday, George!
Happy birthday, Mr. Daltrey!
There, that's better.
Oh, and the twenty-fifth of February was George Harrison's birthday. I didn't realize it was until the day after...and I hadn't really had time to post...So, happy birthday, George!