La Vegetariana Loca

Here are some random ramblings of a girl that will probably end up in an insane asylum sometime in her near future...Kookookachoo. She loves her Queen, she loves her Beatles and her Who and her Zeppy and her music in general. She loves her writing. She loves love. And she loves you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm back home!

And I have a video.:)

I just heard this for the first time. I'd never heard the artist before about five minutes ago. Heard OF him, but never actually heard him.

I like it. ^_^

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am in Alaska!

And I have a spare two seconds to update. ^_^

And the vid of the week is No You Girls, just because I've had it stuck in my head since I saw it on a commercial. Yay Franz! Sorry for bombarding you with Franz, but hey, they're one of my favorite bands of all time, I've had them on the brain incessently, and you haven't told me what else to play, so nyah. :P

Psst...Danny...if you're still going to post up a video, please do. :) Help me be a good blog mommy!

Anyways. I've got to go now. Sorry for not updating. Things should be back in full swing soon. :)

Love you guys!

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