La Vegetariana Loca

Here are some random ramblings of a girl that will probably end up in an insane asylum sometime in her near future...Kookookachoo. She loves her Queen, she loves her Beatles and her Who and her Zeppy and her music in general. She loves her writing. She loves love. And she loves you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Video de la Semana

I thought she was adorable. ^_^

So...I was thinking...Maybe I could start a video blog? I don't know...Might be fun. I'm going to try and start posting videos. Is there anything you'd like me to work with? Tell me if there is.^_^

Wow. XD I had so many ideas for things to talk about on here, but now I just don't want to talk about them anymore...Sorry. I'm a bad blogger.

Love you all! :)


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