I had this really cool dream. Forgive me if some of what I say is worded weirdly or incorrectly or anything like that, but I'm still half-asleep; I wanted to write about what happened in it while I still remembered it.
In the dream, I went to Montreux with some of my family. If you don't know what Montreux is (or where it is), it's this town in Switzerland where many recordings have been made, especially by Queen (I'm pretty sure "Under Pressure" was recorded there). It's also a very beautiful town, set agains a beautiful backdrop of Lake Geneva and the Alps. However, the main attraction is the Freddie aspect of it. That is, the statue that has been set up in his honor. There are huge celebrations there every year for his birthday. Here is what it looks like:

And the statue:

(Little factoid: The Made In Heaven album cover was taken in Montreux.)

Well, in my dream, it looked different from that. Most of my dream just rambled on as they usually do, mirroring minute problems that I encounter in everyday life or acting as wish fulfillment. However, when I began to approach the lake where the statue of Freddie was, everything slowed down.
The sky was beautiful: it was sunset, I think. But, instead of the pictures I showed you above, I first saw grass, then this sidewalk leading to a brick wall. The wall was about seven feet high, and there were brass statues all along it, as well as on the embankment that was above it. But, instead of being depicted as stationary, the statues along the wall were frozen in movement, helping people up onto the embankment above the wall, giving them a boost. The brass statues on the grass embankment were striding resolutely toward the lake, and, ultimately, a wide dock.
In the middle of the wall, straight ahead from the dock, there was a staircase leading through the embankment. It wasn't a very big staircase: it just went up about seven feet, the same height as the wall. The dock was nearly bare, made of plain, scrubbed wood. There were no guardrails. In the middle of the dock was the statue of Freddie, but it was different from the actual one. It was still in bronze and had the plaque in memory of him, but it was modeled more after this image:

There was only one other person on the dock, one of my friends on Gaia, and myself. We sat crosslegged side-by-side, looking at the statue, talking about mostly nothing.
Okay, so my dream didn't have a plot. But the actual scenery that it occured in was gorgeous.
Here's a crude drawing (by art skills are horrid) modeling arially what it looked like:

The small squares are the bronze statues of the people (which, of the people helping the others onto the wall, consisted of Brian May, John Deacon, and Roger Taylor), and the rectangle on the bigger rectangle is Freddie on the dock.
Yeah. Appreciate my artistry. :P
That was my dream...Let me see...Oh, I'm going to go ahead and, pretty soon, but up the backgroung graphic for Freddie's birthday. I'm REALLY sorry for it being so late, but I was trying to figure out how to do something with it. I am now admitting defeat, and I will post it up soon. Really soon. I swear!
Well, I've got to go eat breakfast now. Love you all!
In the dream, I went to Montreux with some of my family. If you don't know what Montreux is (or where it is), it's this town in Switzerland where many recordings have been made, especially by Queen (I'm pretty sure "Under Pressure" was recorded there). It's also a very beautiful town, set agains a beautiful backdrop of Lake Geneva and the Alps. However, the main attraction is the Freddie aspect of it. That is, the statue that has been set up in his honor. There are huge celebrations there every year for his birthday. Here is what it looks like:

And the statue:

(Little factoid: The Made In Heaven album cover was taken in Montreux.)

Well, in my dream, it looked different from that. Most of my dream just rambled on as they usually do, mirroring minute problems that I encounter in everyday life or acting as wish fulfillment. However, when I began to approach the lake where the statue of Freddie was, everything slowed down.
The sky was beautiful: it was sunset, I think. But, instead of the pictures I showed you above, I first saw grass, then this sidewalk leading to a brick wall. The wall was about seven feet high, and there were brass statues all along it, as well as on the embankment that was above it. But, instead of being depicted as stationary, the statues along the wall were frozen in movement, helping people up onto the embankment above the wall, giving them a boost. The brass statues on the grass embankment were striding resolutely toward the lake, and, ultimately, a wide dock.
In the middle of the wall, straight ahead from the dock, there was a staircase leading through the embankment. It wasn't a very big staircase: it just went up about seven feet, the same height as the wall. The dock was nearly bare, made of plain, scrubbed wood. There were no guardrails. In the middle of the dock was the statue of Freddie, but it was different from the actual one. It was still in bronze and had the plaque in memory of him, but it was modeled more after this image:

There was only one other person on the dock, one of my friends on Gaia, and myself. We sat crosslegged side-by-side, looking at the statue, talking about mostly nothing.
Okay, so my dream didn't have a plot. But the actual scenery that it occured in was gorgeous.
Here's a crude drawing (by art skills are horrid) modeling arially what it looked like:

The small squares are the bronze statues of the people (which, of the people helping the others onto the wall, consisted of Brian May, John Deacon, and Roger Taylor), and the rectangle on the bigger rectangle is Freddie on the dock.
Yeah. Appreciate my artistry. :P
That was my dream...Let me see...Oh, I'm going to go ahead and, pretty soon, but up the backgroung graphic for Freddie's birthday. I'm REALLY sorry for it being so late, but I was trying to figure out how to do something with it. I am now admitting defeat, and I will post it up soon. Really soon. I swear!
Well, I've got to go eat breakfast now. Love you all!
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